Black Girls Code Appoint Cristina Jones As Its New CEO

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Have you heard the news? Black Girls Code, the non-profit organization dedicated to teaching coding skills to black girls around the globe, just named Cristina Jones as their new CEO. Under the leadership of founder Kimberly Bryant, Black Girls Code has taught over 20,000 girls in 16 chapters across the US, Canada, and South Africa how to code and build websites, mobile apps, robots, and more. Now Cristina Jones, a leader with over 20 years of experience in education and youth development, will take the helm and steer this vital organization into its next chapter. This is a big win for Black Girls Code and for the future of women in STEM. 

Black Girls Code Names Cristina Jones as New CEO

Black Girls Code just announced the appointment of Cristina Jones as their new CEO. Jones brings over 15 years of experience leading nonprofit organizations dedicated to youth education and empowerment.

A Proven Track Record of Success

Jones previously served as CEO of Code2040, a nonprofit focused on empowering Black and Latinx technologists. Under her leadership, the organization tripled in size and launched several new programs to support tech careers for people of color.

Code2040's Fellows program provides internships, mentorship, and for Black and Latinx college students studying computer science. Over 90% of Fellows go on to work as software engineers at leading tech companies.

The Code2040 Residency places Black and Latinx engineers at top tech companies for their first jobs out of college. Partner companies include Google, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Image Credit: Salesforce.jpg

An Inspiring New Leader

With a proven track record of empowering underrepresented groups in tech, Jones is the perfect choice to lead Black Girls Code into its next phase of growth. Her passion for increasing diversity and inclusion in the tech industry will help the organization continue working toward its mission of empowering young women of color to become tech leaders.

Under Jones' leadership, Black Girls Code aims to launch new programs to support girls throughout their tech education and careers. This could mentorship programs, college scholarships, and job placement assistance. The organization also hopes to expand to new cities across the U.S. and increase the number of girls who participate in their coding camps and workshops.

The Future of Black Girls Code Under Cristina Jones' Leadership

Expanding Programs and Partnerships

Jones plans to build on BGC's existing chapters and clubs by launching new programs across the U.S. and globally. She aims to forge partnerships with school districts, community organizations, and tech companies to bring coding workshops directly to more girls of color. These strategic alliances can help fund BGC's initiatives and open up internship and mentorship opportunities for participants.

A Focus on Career Readiness

While BGC has always promoted skills building and confidence in STEM, Jones wants to concentrate on preparing girls for tech careers. Additional courses will cover resume writing, interviewing, and workplace soft skills. BGC alumnae will be able to take part in job shadowing and connect with women in the tech field. The goal is for girls to see a clear path from learning to code to landing a job in the industry.

Making Tech More Inclusive

Ultimately, Jones envisions BGC playing an important role in reshaping the image of the tech sector to be more welcoming to women and minorities. By empowering and advancing more girls of color in tech, BGC and its partners can work to change perceptions, break down barriers, and build a more equitable and inclusive future for the field. 


With Cristina Jones now at the helm as CEO, the organization is poised to reach even greater heights empowering young black women through technology and computer science. Her experience, passion, and vision will help take the Black Girls Code to the next level. Under leadership, you can expect to see new chapters opening up in cities across America, partnerships with major tech companies to provide opportunities and mentorship, and innovative programs to teach skills that will shape the future. 

Contributed by Debby Star